As required, we publish reports in the Chief Electoral Officer’s Assessment Series—a series through which Saskatchewan’s electoral stakeholders are offered impartial, technical, and timely advice on the components of an election.

The first of these reports, Toward a Permanent Register of Voters for Saskatchewan, was published in October 2013. It looked at and recommended the implementation of a permanent register of voters for Saskatchewan.

The second report, Toward an Improved Legislative Framework for Elections in Saskatchewan, was published in December 2013. It included recommendations for 15 amendments to The Election Act, 1996 that, if implemented, would provide an improved legislative framework for the coming 28th Provincial General Election.

The third report, Toward Improved Accessibility for Saskatchewan Voters, was published in June 2015. It outlined the actions taken to date by Elections Saskatchewan to deliver provincial electoral events in a modern, accessible, safe, secure and transparent manner.

The fourth report, Modernizing Saskatchewan’s Referendum Legislation, was published in September 2019. It offers a road map to updating Saskatchewan’s referendum law.

The fifth report, Modernizing Saskatchewan’s Constituency Boundaries Legislation & Processes, was published in November 2021. It recommends changes and improvements that could be made to the boundary setting process.

Voting Week is October 22 to 28.Find where to vote.