Important Instructions:
Choose one of the two links below based on where you live.
If you live in a constituency in these locations:
OR in the constituencies of:
Apply online using this link:
If you live in any other Saskatchewan community.
Apply online using this link:
Supervisory Deputy Returning Officer (tech)
Voting Location
View details
Visit the Available Positions page to view all job listings, both at head office and in returning offices.
Each election job, whether in a returning office or at a voting location, has a prescribed salary as outlined in The Election Act, 1996.
Elections Saskatchewan has a central role in upholding the legitimacy of democratic processes in the province of Saskatchewan.
Showing results for {{ ConstituencyLayerId === 'constituencyLayer2024Id' ? '2024 General Election' : 'current constituency' }} boundaries.
Show {{ ConstituencyLayerId === 'constituencyLayerId' ? '2024 General Election' : 'current constituency' }} boundaries{{ Constituency }}