Check back here closer to the 2024 provincial election for where to vote.


Enter your street address, nearest city/town, reserve or land location.
Examples: "123 Main St", "Watrous", "Piapot First Nation" or "NE10-20-18-W2"
Refine or verify your search using the pin on the map.
Please double-check the location of the pin in order to get accurate information.
That address does not appear to be within a valid poll boundary.
That address is not within a valid poll boundary for the upcoming election.
Your address is close to a poll boundary.
Please double-check the location of the pin in order to get accurate information.


Voter address:
{{ VoterAddress }}
Remember: Use your home address when looking up your place to vote.
Constituency: {{ Constituency }}
Voting Area: {{ Division }}

Voting week times and locations

Vote on any of these {{ PollDetails.length }} days at any of these locations

Bring your Voter Information Card and ID with you to vote.