Return to the Writ

Earlier today, our Returning Officers returned the Writs of Election and other necessary materials, completing their legislative responsibilities for the Lumsden-Morse, Regina Coronation Park & Regina Walsh Acres by-elections.

With that information in hand, I have written to the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and confirmed the successful candidates that have been duly elected to serve as MLAs. As required by legislation, I will also publish this information in the Saskatchewan Gazette.

Reporting on Pilot Projects

You will remember that we piloted a number of items in these three by-elections – vote counting equipment, electronic poll books, vote by mail, amongst other changes. By legislation, I am required to table a report that outlines the alternate procedures, equipment or technology used, and if appropriate, make recommendations with respect to amending legislation to allow the alternate procedures, equipment or technology to be introduced on a permanent basis. Given recent developments at the Board of Internal Economy that have informed what our next general election will look like, these recommendations will most likely look beyond 2024 to the province’s 2028 general election.   

We are currently working on debriefing the election officials who administered voting during the three by-elections. Their feedback will help to inform my reporting. My office has also been in touch with you and your candidates to gather feedback and information on how you thought the new processes were implemented. Legislation requires my report be issued within six months of polling day (February 12, 2023) and I look forward to sharing these results with you. 

Upcoming Key Dates

Finally, a last reminder of a few key dates to add to your calendar:

  • Friday, November 10 – Deadline for candidates to file their by-election expense returns
  • Monday, February 12 – Deadline for registered political parties to file their election expense return for the by-elections
  • Monday, February 12 – Deadline for the Chief Electoral Officer to submit report on pilot projects and use of section 5.1 of the Act

Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan

Voting Week is October 22 to 28.Find where to vote.