RSVP – June 14 RPP Meeting

June 14 RPP Meeting – RSVP

I am pleased that after two years of meeting virtually that we will once again be able to meet in person for our annual meeting between Elections Saskatchewan and representatives from the province’s registered political parties.

As always, I would like to invite you, as Chief Official Agent, and one other representative from your party to attend. This year’s meeting will be held in the Saskatchewan Room at the Hotel Saskatchewan (2125 Victoria Ave, Regina). Our day will begin at 10 a.m. and end around 4 p.m. Afterwards, I would be pleased to host you at the Warehouse Brewing Company (102 – 1377 Hamilton Street, Regina) for dinner and to continue the conversations that we began during the day.

So that we can confirm numbers, please RVSP your information and the name of the other representative from your party that will be attending to [email protected]. It would be best if I could hear from you before Friday, June 10.

Pending By-Election – Saskatoon Meewasin

While the resignation of the MLA for Saskatoon Meewasin will not be official until July 1, I wanted to ensure that you were aware that Elections Saskatchewan is preparing to administer a by-election in this constituency. The event must be held within six months of the date of resignation.

As always, I will provide you with event-specific information through By-Election Communiques as I have information to share. I anticipate that we will be piloting and testing a number of elements of our planned modernization efforts, and I look forward to providing you with those details as they become available.   

Upcoming Deadlines and Key Dates

Finally, just a reminder of several upcoming key dates:

  • Tuesday, June 14 – Annual RPP/ESK Meeting – please RSVP to [email protected]
  • Monday, August 15 – Deadline for registered political parties to file their election expense return for the Athabasca by-election


Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan

Voting Week is October 22 to 28.Find where to vote.