New Democratic Party | Corporations | $250.32 | CONEXUS CREDIT UNION |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $250.32 | MCDOUGALL GAULEY LLP |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $250.32 | MLT AIKINS LLP |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $250.32 | MWC CHARTERED PROF ACCTS LLP |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $250.32 | THE MOSAIC COMPANY |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $261.62 | THE PROMHOUSE FINANCIAL GROUP |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $345.20 | MNP LLP |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $354.00 | DEER VALLEY GOLF CLUB |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $400.00 | 101293959 SASK LTD |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $462.58 | OLIVE WALLER ZINKHAN &WALLER LLP |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $462.58 | WF BOTKIN CONSTRUCTION LTD |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $712.90 | GERRAND RATH JOHNSON |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $712.90 | KNIGHT ARCHER INSURANCE |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $912.90 | ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $1,000.00 | SOUTH COUNTRY MEDICAL CLINIC |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $1,500.00 | WORMSBECKER LEGAL INC |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $1,600.00 | REGENT LAW |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $2,000.00 | TD SECURITIES INC |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $5,000.00 | THE TORONTO DOMINION BANK |
New Democratic Party | Corporations | $7,000.00 | 101154547 SASKATCHEWAN LTD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $251.98 | GORDON W HOLTSLANDER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | CARLA BLAKLEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | CATHERINE (CATHY) COATES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | KIRSTEN FINN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | CLARE F GATTINGER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | W. JAMES GEDDES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | CHRIS GEORGE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | KATHARINE GRIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | BILL B JACK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | GEORGE JEERAKATHIL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | NANCY KOT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | BERNIE KUYEK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | MARGARET (SUSAN) S MAZE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | CHARLES T MCKENZIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | KARLA MCMANUS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | ALLISON P MURI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | CAROLYN A REBEYKA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | DOUG G RUSSELL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | MITCHEL SHERAR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | MELINDA E VAN HOVE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $252.63 | KATHLEEN WALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $253.96 | GEORGE EPP |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $253.96 | ROBERTA RICHERT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $253.96 | KORIN SHERWIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $254.79 | DONNA R THOMSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $254.79 | CARY WESSEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $255.84 | SUSAN A GINGELL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $256.06 | DEANNA M GRUENDING-HALLMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $256.28 | PAULETTE J HUBBS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $256.28 | DON A MITCHELL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $257.78 | JAN JOEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $257.78 | SUSAN L MCKAY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $257.78 | CORINNE M OXELGREN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | ERIC E DANIELSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | SANDRA M FOWLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | KATHY B HITCHINGS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | LUCILLE M JACK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | ARLENE E JOHNSRUDE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | DWIGHT KAYTOR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | HEATHER J KLEINER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | WESLEY MCGOWAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | ARLENE NICKLIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | SANDY L PITZEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | RANDONN SWAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.00 | AMANDA H WILMOT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $260.61 | DENNEL KT PICKERING |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $262.68 | DONNA J MCGOWAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $263.54 | KYLE FISHER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $265.00 | PETER BARNACLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $265.00 | KAREN L LOEPPKY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $265.00 | JACKIE NETTLETON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $265.90 | DOROTHY HUGHES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $265.90 | GERALD A HUGHES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $270.00 | LESLEY BIGGS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $270.00 | PERCY HILL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $270.00 | WAYNE M REIFFERSCHEID |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $270.77 | ROBERT M MCPHERSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $273.32 | MARY LOU SENKO |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $273.77 | DOUGLAS E BOT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $274.07 | SHIRLEY BAKER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $275.00 | SELMA EMPEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $275.00 | AARON ENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $275.00 | JOSEPH J JEERAKATHIL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $275.00 | KAREN D KIRBY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $275.00 | ROBERT MURRAY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $275.00 | DENNIS JAY WHITE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $280.00 | ALLAN DOROSH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $280.00 | SANDRA FORSBERG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $280.00 | JOHN J TUCHSCHERER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $280.00 | LAURA LEE TUCHSCHERER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $280.00 | GWEN WURM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $281.77 | KENNETH J MCKECHNEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $283.30 | BARBARA LOGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $283.30 | DONALD K LOGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $285.00 | JOSE J MORALES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $286.66 | KEN BENDER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $290.00 | SUSAN ASHTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $290.00 | CAROLINE TORGUNRUD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $290.77 | DOREEN HAMILTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $290.77 | CRYSTAL D PALMER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $296.77 | MALCOLM KING |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $296.98 | KARREL MATHIAS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $298.98 | KEN GROSSE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | K WAYNE AMOS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ERICA K BAILEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | COLLEEN BARSS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | SUSAN M BATES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | KATIE M BELL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | JANICE M BERNIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | HERMAN R BOERMA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LOIS BORDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | NORA BORGESON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | PETER A BRETSCHER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | SHEILA CAMERON-HOPKINS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LOGAN CAMPBELL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BILLIE J CARDOSO |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | HAROLD E CHAPMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CARA L CHARKO |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | RAYSA CHEBERIAK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MAUREEN COLMIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | TERRY COMFORT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARILYN CRAIG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | TREVOR J DAVIES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CAROLYN A DEBELSER-MAYSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | JOHN DECK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DARLA DEGUIRE-ZAHORSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DELIA DEMETRICK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DALE DOWIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | TRENT C EDWARDS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | PERRY D ERHARDT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BENEDICT P FEIST |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | WAYNE FIELD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LORRAINE GARRATT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARGARET V GAULEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DOUG GILLIS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ANNETTE E GLAZER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BRYAN L GLAZER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LYLE GODIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | JASON HAMMOND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MAX A HANSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | TED HANSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | JOHN HEIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BEVERLY S HILL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | KEN HOLLIDAY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | RAY C HUDON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | KRISTEN IMRIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ANDY IWANCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ANN M IWANCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DOREEN JAEB |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LINDA JENSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MYRNA JENSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DIANNE JOHNSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BERNA M JONES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARLYN JOSVANGER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ANN H KAYTOR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BRENT A KRAMER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | GREG LAWRENCE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARIA LEPAGE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | KENT R LITTLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | TERRI N LOHELA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | FLORA AM MACDONALD WALLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARIE-ANN MACISAAC |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DON MACKENZIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | SUBHAS C MAHARAJ |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DAVID MARTODAM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | SAMIRA B MCCARTHY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LEONARD M MEYER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LINDA E MEYER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DAVID M MINER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MONA MINER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | WALLY MOZYLISKY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MORLEY MUNN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | HARVEY G NEIL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | PETER P NOTENBOOM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DEANNA OGLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CORY W OXELGREN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | JASMIN PARKER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CORINNE J PIROT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | PETER W PREBBLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | RAYMOND L PURDIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARLOW L RAFOSS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | GRAHAM S REID |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CINDA ROMULDIETZ |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | SUZANNE M SAUDER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CLAY SERBY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | VAL SHOCKEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | V. ARNOLD SHORE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LYLE SIMONSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CHERYL L STADNICHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BRYAN STEINER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | GAIL STEVENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DOUGLAS STEWART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | HARALD SUNDBERG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | SHIRLEY TCHORZEWSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | RICHARD TEMPLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | PAULA THIESEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | RUTH THOMPSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | STACEY L ULRICH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | GARY K VIESER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | GARY D VOLDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MYRON VOLDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | CARIN VRABETZ |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ROBERT J WALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LAURA K WESTMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | HAZEL WHIPPLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LLOYD WIDENMAIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | GARY M WILLIAMS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | LINDA WOOD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | BONNIE YAKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ROBERT YAKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | MARG YASCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | DOROTHY ZAHARIUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | TIM V ZAHARIUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | ALICE ZAZELENCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.00 | KEN ZINOVICH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.06 | LYALL K MOORE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $300.75 | HELEN SUTHERLAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $301.54 | BRIAN HARRIS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $301.97 | KAREN L SILVESTER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $303.00 | PAT P COX |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $303.30 | SHELLY PANCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $303.52 | JUERGEN RINGLEIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $304.20 | AMIR HABIB |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $305.77 | DONALD W JUNOR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $306.28 | VERNA J SALKELD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $306.46 | MATTHEW BUCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.27 | ALAN BISHOFF |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.27 | MATTHEW KORNEYCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.27 | NADINE POULTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.27 | LESLIE RICHARDSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.27 | CHRISTINE E SOTEROS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.58 | DAVID GEHL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $309.58 | LILA RUDACHYK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | DOUG DANIELS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | DONA N HANSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | EARL O MICKELSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | MERLE NOSTBAKKEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | MARGOT OPSETH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | KENNETH PIGOTT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $310.00 | GERALD READER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $313.59 | MARVIN MACKIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $316.00 | JANICE IMRIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | HELEN CUTTS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | DOUG G GEGNER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | MYRNA GENT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | VIVIAN GORDON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | GARY J HERBERT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | JAMES S KORPAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | DIANNE MACDONALD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | NEIL MCTAGGART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | DENNIS NESTEGARD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $320.00 | IDA POSTMA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $325.00 | GARRY B DETERS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $325.00 | BONNIE MIHALICZ |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $325.00 | JUNE NEWSHAM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $325.00 | BILLY PRATT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $326.30 | ROBERT M DAVIES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $330.00 | PATRICIA D CRADDOCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $330.00 | BRUCE MCKEE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $330.00 | DONALD MEEK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $330.00 | LEA M MEILI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $330.00 | CECILIA SCHWARTZ |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $330.00 | PATRICIA STAMFORD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $333.26 | KERRY D HJERTAAS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $333.26 | RON NIELSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $333.26 | BARBARA SAMBASIVAM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $335.32 | LINNEA ERIKSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $336.06 | JOHN G MUENCH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.00 | KATHLEEN ANTROBUS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.00 | DONALD B CROZIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.00 | PAT J FUNK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.00 | EDWARD A HICKIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.00 | GORDON H STEININGER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.00 | DOUG WANNER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $340.47 | JULIE BEDEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $344.00 | LAURENT T MOUGEOT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $344.00 | HARVEY SKRUDLAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $346.83 | MELANIE CLARK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $348.00 | EDWARD KRIP |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.00 | LINDA A CHARLTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.00 | SHARON (LYNNE) CORRIGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.00 | DONALDA FORD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.00 | NICOLE GANTNER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.00 | CATHY J HOLTSLANDER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.00 | CONOR LAZAROU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $350.54 | JUDITH GOSSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $352.12 | HAZEL KELLNER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $353.00 | LON D BORGERSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $353.00 | VALERIE DRUMMOND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $353.79 | HELEN ADAMS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $355.00 | MARGARET HEFFERNAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | APRIL F ANDERSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | LEONARD D ANDRYCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | WANDA BARTLETT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | HAROLD(BUCKLEY) H BELANGER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | RITA BOUVIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | VALERIE BYERS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | AIDEN COBBE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | WILFRID B DENIS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | SHARON R DEPTUCH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ROBERT J DEVROME |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | NANCY DILL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | REGINALD W DOYLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | MICHAEL FINLEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ALTON F FINSTAD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | DANIEL GERLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | MELISSA HOFFMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ANDREA HOWE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | GORDON F HUNTER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | PAUL JACOBY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | SHAN E LANDRY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | GLEN LAWSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | MARGARET (PEGGY) LAWSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | CONNIE LEPARD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | KENT A LINDGREN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ELSIE V LIVINGSTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | H ARTHUR H LOUCKS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | RITA H MACDONALD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | KEVIN MACHIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | WENDA MCARTHUR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | IRVIN GEORGE PERKINS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | CHARLOTTE RAINE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | BARBARA A ROBBINS-SCOTT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ROSE M ROTHENBURGER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ALBERT A SHPYTH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | CARLA L SMITH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | GERALD SMITH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ALLYSON K STONE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | CRAIG TONDEVOLD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | RONALD A VOLDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | ROBERT J WAWRYK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $360.00 | WAYNE G WELTE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $363.30 | BRYAN J SKILLSTAD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $366.00 | ALEANA M YOUNG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $366.63 | ROBERT KRISMER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $366.98 | ERICA SPRACKLIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $367.00 | DANIEL BARKHOUSE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $367.00 | ROBERT B EATON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $367.00 | TAMMY J FULTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $367.00 | JOANNE NEELY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $367.00 | PHILIP J WILLSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $369.98 | KEN POWERS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $370.00 | SHERYL BURGESS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $372.63 | TARA COLLINS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $373.03 | CARL M CHERLAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $373.03 | MEREDITH R CHERLAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $375.00 | CAROL JE PARDOE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $375.63 | BRIAN RAINEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $378.27 | GERRY SCOTT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $380.00 | LESLIE CARLSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $384.76 | JAMES P KOMAR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $385.00 | MARSHALL V BURNS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $390.00 | ELSABETH HANCOCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $390.00 | MAYNARD SONNTAG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $390.36 | CARLA FLOGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | PAUL BUFFEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | RUTH GREER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | TEJ HARRISON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | SACHIA S LONGO |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | ANDREW MACLEOD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | IAN S MACLEOD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | STACEY MCPEEK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | BRADLEY OLEKSYN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | GILBERT PEDERSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | CHARLES A PETERS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | CINDY LEE SHERBAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | GEORGE E SHERBAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | CARA D STELMASCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $396.00 | DAROLD M STELMASCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.00 | HELEN AMBLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.00 | LORNE R SCOTT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.79 | HOLLY L BUDINSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | STEVEN J FLEGEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | TRACY L GOODHEART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | VERA KRISMER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | JACKIE J NEAULT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | NORM NEAULT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | GLORIA PATRICK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | DIANE PETKAU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | JORDAN M WOODSWORTH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $399.96 | TERRY P ZAHORSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DERALD W AHNER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CICELY M ALTHOUSE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BREA BARESINKOFF |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JAMES O BARLOW |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | HELEN BAULCH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ALAN BAYKO |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MALCOLM F BEATON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PAMELA J BEATTY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DEBRA A BECKER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | THOMAS BEST |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KIRSTIN BETT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOHN G BEVERIDGE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CRYSTAL BITTMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KEVIN BITTMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JAROL BOAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ELYETT BOISVERT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CLIFF H BOYLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LEAH BRANNEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JIM BRASS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JESSICA BROWN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WILLIAM BUMBAC |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GEORGE P BURTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CHERYL BYERS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ROBERT L BYMOEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CYNTHIA J CARLSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BILL E CEDERWALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GEORGIANA M CHARTIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARKEL CHERNENKOFF |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | RAJNI CHIBBAR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JARED CLARKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CAROL B COPELAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CHERI COWAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BARBARA L DANAHER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GARNET E DAVIS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JACKIE DE BUSSAC |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | RONALD DIDYCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CHERYL DUNCAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BOYD N DYCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARLENE DZUS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | NICKY DZUS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GLENYS EBERLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | RONALD EBERLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DAVE ENGEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BARRY FALCONER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GEORGE D FERGUSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ANGIE R FERGUSSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GERRY FINCATI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CLAUDE FINCH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ISOBEL M FINDLAY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PATRICIA E FISCHER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | EARL FOGEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LEN E FOLDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LINDA I FOLDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOYCE FRASER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JUDY FREY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ASTRID FRIESEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | HENRY ABRAM FRIESEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARILYN FRIESEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LONA M FROSHAUG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOHN M GANGL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | SANDRA M GANGL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DENIS MJ GARAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MICHAEL E GERTLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DAVID GIBSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LORRAINE GIBSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GERRY S GILAVISH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BRENT GOFF |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ELAINE GRASS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GEORGE GROSY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ROBERT (BOB) GUTHRIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ALLISON M HACKINEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KATHRYN M HAMRE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOHN E HANLIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | RAE HART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ANNA HARTMAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LORNE HASTIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARCEL HENRI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | AARON HESJEDAL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ELIZABETH HICKS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WILLIAM HICKS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ANTHONY HLADYBORODA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CARLA HOPE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GERALD HUARD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LLOYD JANTZEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | NAYYAR S JAVED |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | SHIRLEY KAWESKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | HEATHER KEEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GORDON KENNEDY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | NORMA J KLASSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DOROTHY KOROL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | TARAS KOROL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | OLESIA KOWALSKY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PATRICIA E KRUG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KENNETH (SKIP) J KUTZ |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARYANNE LANGEVIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARJORIE LANGLEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | VICKIE LAROSE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BILL LAWSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DEBORAH LEE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MADELEINE LEPAGE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PATRICIA LESON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DAVID (DAVE) A LITTLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PATRICIA (TRISHA) A LITTLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | STEVEN K LLOYD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ALLAN LOZINSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DOUGLAS W MACLEAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WANDA MALAZDREWICH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JULIAN MANDZIAK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LARRY MARSHALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LINDA S MARTIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DOUGLAS C MCCALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | IAN L MCCREARY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BEVERLY J MCDOUGALD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ARLEE MCGRATH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ERVIN M MCGRATH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOYCE C MCGRATH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | SHIRLEY MCGRATH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JAMES MCKILLOP |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | SHEENA M MCRAE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | M. STAN METCALFE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KEVIN T MILLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | SHARON J MILLIGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | REGAN S MOHL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | RONALD MOORE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ROGER A MORGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | EDWIN R MORIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | TANNER (JOSH) MORRISON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOHN N MORROW |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DONNA L NELSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PAUL M NEWTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WILLIAM H O'SHEA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | TERESA PASLAWSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WILLIAM PETRYK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | YVONNE POSTMA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MIKE C PRYSHLAK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | SABA QAYYUM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GLORIA J QUINTIN-CUDDINGTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LYLE REMPEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | N GEORGE ROSENAU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | S LYNN ROSENAU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JANICE D RYAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BARB SABINE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | EDWARD H SALT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MICHELLE A SANCHE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DONNA SCARFE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JEANNE M SCARFE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARK SCHAFFER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CAROL A SCHICK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | NATHAN L SCHNEIDER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARY BA SCISSONS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DOREEN SCOTT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WENDY SHERAR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GARRY SIMONS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BRIAN SITTER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DAVE SMART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ELIZABETH J SMILLIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARY M SMILLIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ARMELLA SONNTAG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LINDEN SOROKA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | PATRICIA STEVENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BRENNA STOLHANDSKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KEITH STOLHANDSKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GERALDINE A STUCKEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DOUGLAS (DOUG) G SURTEES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GAIL C SYVERSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CHARLES W THOMAS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LORAINE THOMAS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LAURENCE G THOMPSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | DOREEN THORSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | EDGAR THORSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | GLEN TORGERSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LORNE UHER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ROSE C VINEK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | CLIFFORD WALTER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | ADA WARD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LARRY C WARD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JOHN E WATCHORN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KENNETH J WAWRYK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MAUREEN E WAWRYK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JESSE WEBB |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BRENDA WEISBROT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | JAMES (HARLEY) WESTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARIANNE WESTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LOUISE WIENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MARVIN WIENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | NANCY D WILKINSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | KAY D WILLSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | BARB J WILSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | MERYL L WOOD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | WARREN A ZIMMER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | LENORE ZUCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.00 | O'NEIL A ZUCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $400.08 | SHIRLEY M LAUDER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $402.00 | BILL HOOK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $402.00 | ELOISE HOOK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $404.79 | DALE KUYEK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $406.28 | PAULETTE S HOLDEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $408.00 | FLO BROTEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $408.00 | NICOLE RANCOURT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | DAWN-WYNNE DAVIES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | DON P DELHOMEAU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | LEONA FINCH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | SUSAN Y JALBERT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | GAIL LAWSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | JOHN (BOB) LAWSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | ROBERT METCALFE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | TANNIS NEGRAVE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | BARBARA SKRILL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | FARKHANDA WAKIL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.00 | CHERALYN WIENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.06 | GRAYSON BEAUDIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.61 | RALPH M SWANSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $410.61 | SHARON L SWANSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | KENNETH BOS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | CAMERON P BROTEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | JAN I CRAIG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | ELLEN (PENNY) J DYCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | RUTH ELIASON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | ROBERT G FOWLIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | DOUGLAS G HARRISON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | DERRON H HOOVER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | JIM HUTCHINGS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | MICHAEL J JANSSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | JOHN KEEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | JEFFREY KLASSEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | NIAL B KUYEK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | DONNA LITTLEMORE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | ONAGH METCALFE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | SOLVEIG NILSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | DREW S PLAXTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | MARTIN RC PLEMEL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | JOAN SEIERSTAD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | VIRGINIA THOMPSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | LINSEY BJ THORNTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | NATASHA M THORNTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | JOCELYN TRASK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | ROD M WATSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.26 | KAREN J WEINGEIST |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.56 | MARGARET REX |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $412.57 | TERRY LOEHR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $413.20 | BRIAN VINET |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $413.20 | DIANNE M WOLOSCHUK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $413.59 | DOROTHY ZEPP |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $416.77 | LARRY R YAKIMOSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | FAY BITTER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | LORNA J BRIGHT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | CAROLE BRYANT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | BERYL CASEMORE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | WENDY DAKU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | DAVID B EDNEY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | LORNA GAUDET |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | LESLEY GRIFFIN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | MURIEL HALLDORSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | GARY R HOWLAND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | DORIS E LUND |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | MARK MACMURCHY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | WILLIAM MCLEAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | GRAHAM T MICKLEBOROUGH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | DAVID H MILLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | VICTORIA (VICKI) MOWAT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | SHAUN MURPHY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | TAMMY D NEFF |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | THOMAS D POWELL REV |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | TRACY L RIDALLS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | MURRAY RYAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | DORIS STOJKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | JOHN R THOMPSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | JACK TRUSTY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | BRYAN G TUDOR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $420.00 | ALFRED J WIENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $422.55 | JOSEPH S GEARY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $425.00 | CHRISTINE T DEVROME |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $425.00 | MARGARET FERGUSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $425.00 | BARBARA LABATT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $425.16 | JEFF N GRUBB |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $426.00 | THOMAS G CAMERON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $426.98 | KIMBERLEY NEWSHAM |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $427.27 | EMER M O'HAGAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $430.00 | WALTER P BITTER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $430.00 | CAROL C CLARKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $430.00 | COLIN P CLAY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $430.00 | PHIL F MACINTYRE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $430.00 | ALEX M POSTNIKOFF |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $430.00 | KATHRYN S ZWICK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $431.20 | JENNIFER L BOWES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $433.33 | SKYLAR MCGONIGLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $440.00 | DON W CODY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $440.00 | VIRGINIA KUTZAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $440.00 | DAVID MITCHELL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $440.00 | CLIFF SCHMIDT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $442.26 | KELLY HARDY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $443.46 | DARREN L WIDENMAIER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $448.00 | JAKE BUHLER |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $449.00 | JAMES K WOOD |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $450.00 | IRVING CARLSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $450.00 | SHEILA GLENNIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $450.00 | JEFF L JONES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $450.00 | BARBARA REED |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $450.00 | PHYLLIS J UMPHERVILLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $450.00 | BEVERLY D WILL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $452.63 | MATTHEW LLEWELLYN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $454.73 | ELIZABETH RYAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $458.09 | COLLEEN COLLINS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $459.80 | STYLE DAYNE STENBERG |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $460.00 | HONEY DEGLAU |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $460.00 | RUTH V HEINRICHS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $460.00 | MILDRED KERR |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $460.00 | CONRAD ROLAND OLSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $460.00 | BEVERLY D WILSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $460.09 | GREG S VAN LUVEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $461.00 | J WESLEY MARSHALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $462.26 | DONALD WB JEDLIC |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $465.00 | SANDRA BURTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $469.00 | BIRDENE KEEFE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $470.00 | MABEL A LAKE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $473.30 | TRENT BRUNANSKI |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $474.00 | WAYNE ROGINA |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $477.27 | JOAN I STEPHENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $479.33 | JAMES M HALL |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | GREG ADAMS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | JACKIE M BANTLE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | GLORIA BUCHANAN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | JEFF BUCK |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | WADE CURRIE |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | ESTHER J DUPPERON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | ROSA GEBHARDT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | GREG GOODHEART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | FRANZ VOLKER GREIFENHAGEN |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | BILL HART |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | MARION HEMINGWAY |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | WENDY JOHNSON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | HOLLY ANN KNOTT |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | CHRISTINE KOVATCH |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | HERMAN ROLFES |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | DELAINE O SCOTTON |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | CARL GL SIEMENS |
New Democratic Party | Individuals | $480.00 | WAYNE A THRASHE |