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Looking to build your future? Give a day for democracy.

Sign up to work in the upcoming election.

Working in an election can be an interesting and rewarding experience. There is a great opportunity for your organization to get involved in Saskatchewan’s next general election.

By encouraging your members to work during the provincial election, they can donate their earnings back to your organization to help fund your community service activities. It’s a unique opportunity to invest in your community and meet others with a passion for volunteering.

Encouraging your members to give a day for democracy will:

  • Help build and develop our community.
  • Contribute to a shared spirit of community service.
  • Raise funds for your important service work.

“If somebody was thinking about working for Elections Saskatchewan, I would tell them to go for it. It was a great experience and you really can’t lose. You never know when you will learn a skill that you can use later in life.” – Angèle, Farmer and Deputy Returning Officer and Enumerator for Elections SK