To vote, you need to show identification, or ID.

There are more than 50 ID documents that fall under Saskatchewan’s acceptable ID list. As well as a few options.

Here are three options you have for proving your identity and address at the voting place:

Option 1

  • Show one piece of ID with your photo, name and address. It must be issued by a government agency (e.g. driver’s licence)

Option 2

  • Show two valid original documents. Both pieces must have your name. One must also have your address. (e.g. health card and a utility bill).
  • See a complete list of acceptable ID.

Option 3

  • Swear an oath and have an eligible voter vouch for your identity and place of ordinary residence (e.g. a neighbour, roommate).
  • The person vouching for you must be an eligible voter who has valid authorized identification.
  • This person can only vouch for one person.